Lagi-lagi Menang Hibah Kemendikbud, Mahasiswa UPJ Bersinergi Galakkan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

"Development Jaya University is very focused on developing student achievement through strategic programs launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture every year. Routinely every year UPJ students always succeed in making proud achievements both in the academic and non-academic fields. Through the Jaya Softskill Development Program, UPJ produces graduates who are not only competent in the field of science, but are also equipped with the soft skills needed in the Industrial 4.0 and Society 5.0 eras," said Agustinus Agus Setiawan, Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. Jaya Development University (UPJ).”


Pembangunan Jaya University (UPJ) students once again made achievements in the form of successfully winning 2 types of activity grants in the student sector from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology. Through a grant from the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa), the UPJ Civil Engineering Study Program student organization succeeded in obtaining funding for empowerment activities for PKK mothers in the Tangerang Regency area. Meanwhile, 2 other students won the Student Creativity Program (PKM) in Entrepreneurship and Student Creativity.

The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) itself is a program to strengthen the capacity of ormawa through a series of processes for fostering ormawa by PT which is implemented in community service and empowerment programs. Continuing its success in 2022, in 2023 UPJ has again succeeded in obtaining funding from PPK Ormawa.

In 2023, through the Civil Engineering Student Association, UPJ won funding worth nearly 40 million Rupiah from a proposal entitled "Building a Healthy Community in Lengkong Kulon Banten Village Through Empowering PKK Mothers with the Gempita Program (Health Care Community Movement)."

"In the 2023 ORMAWA PPK program activities, the Civil Student Association, has the goal of building a healthy community in Lengkong Banten Village, through a series of programs such as structuring child-friendly open green spaces, providing healthy and proper sanitation facilities for children, counseling on domestic waste management and education. and free health checks for village communities” as conveyed by Dhea Diffani head of the PPK Ormawa UPJ program in 2023.

Meanwhile the Student Creativity Program (PKM) event from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology is aimed at improving the quality of students (students) in tertiary institutions so that they have academic and/or professional abilities that are able to apply, develop and disseminate science, technology and/or the arts as well as enrich culture. national. From the 2023 PKM activities, UPJ passed 2 proposals from the PKM Entrepreneurship (PKMK) and Community Service PKM (PKM PM) schemes. Prof. In the Context of Empowering the Community RT 001 Joglo, Kembangan, West Jakarta".