Civil Engineering Week 2015

University of Pembangunan Jaya  through the Civil Engineering Students Association held a competition and exhibition called Civil Engineering Week 2015 with the theme "Living the Urban Ideas". The intent of this theme that we were able to turn the ideas of urban, how we are able to cultivate a piece of land and build lines or transportation systems that reach every corner of the city so as to create prosperity for the entire community.

Civil Engineering Week 2015 will be filled with several activities, including competitions Futsal, Photography, Scientific Writing Contest (ICI), and talk show where each activity has a purpose.

         Futsal is a ball game played by two teams, each team consisting of 5 people. As we know there is a lack of availibility of the land to do sports, then we help people to make it happen. Thus, people can play futsal again, improve competitiveness and sportivity.

         The condition of public transportation in Indonesia is still very low, so we held a photography competition with the theme public transport with intent to capture a real portrait of the condition of the transportation system in Indonesia.

         Scientific Writing Competition invites students of high schools in South Tangerang and surrounding areas to create an innovative and creative ideas in advancing transportation system in Indonesia. ICI's theme is Transportation as Basic National Security. This theme was selected given the poor transport system prevailing in Indonesia.

         Maritime transport has always been underestimated, but actually the maritime transport are capable of improving national competitiveness, especially in economics. This will be discussed on the talk show which will be hosted by the Civil Engineering Week 2015 event.