Psychology students sent 10 research papers to a Psychology conference

10 UPJ psychology students presented their research papers in 2016 Indonesian Young Psychology Conference. The conference, focused on the theme " The role psychology in building the future of Indonesia", was held on April 9, 2016 at Uhamka. The research papers presented by the students were: 

1.  Yuzi Wiraayu Putri dan Arniansyah : A study on the motivation of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya students before and after relocating to the new campus.

2.  Ratih Eminiar, Ahmad Abdul Aziz, dan Adzka Adzkiya : A study on the subjective norms of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya students as go-ride users as one of the transportation modes. 

3. Ditya Larasati, Madinna Ramadhani, Angiza Ananda Putri, dan Sebian Salsabila : A descriptive study about weekend activities for working women residing in the Bintaro area.

4. Dhindayanti Putri : Stress and coping on adult women recovering from hypertension.

5. Zavier Cloudya M, Jusiera Zahra Syawali, Sarah Meidyana Putrid an Rismanino Chandra : Goal setting training for Universitas Pembangunan Jaya psychology freshmen students.

6. Raniah Farah Nadhifah, Alika Siti Maulida, dan Riesta Vidya Putri Prameswari : Adaption of the urban people in the adulthood age group on new environment.

7. Dimas Dear, Vias Abdulhadi, Annisa Aprilia, Agung Dwi Pragama : How elderly people view sports as a stress relever.

8. Bianda Dina, Fawwaz A. Dienullah, dan Intan Amalia : The communication between teenagers and their families during weekend : a case study in Bintaro area.

9. Sheila Salihatunnisa, Anggraini Fajrianti S, Iswynanda Noor J, Narita H : A study on smartphone usage on Sundays by middle childhood children.

10. Olivia A.J., Nurullita Oktavia, Dinda Ayu D.I, Pritha Rahmadanty : The popularity of extracurricular activities among teenagers in Bintaro area.

Veronica A.M. Kaihatu, S.Psi., M.Si. and Supriyanto, S.Psi., M.Si. the research advisors, attended conference to give support for their students. It is hoped that to inspire the students to produce innovative and useful research for the society.