Building Rural Education: Collaboration Between Nurani Dunia Foundation and Universitas Pembangunan Jaya to Enhance Development in Kampung Ilmu
On January 18, 2024, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) and Nurani Dunia Foundation held the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by UPJ Rector, Ir. Yudi Samyudia, Ph.D., and Chairman of the Nurani Dunia Foundation, Dr. Drs. Imam Budidarmawan Prasodjo, M.A., Ph.D. This MoU aims to enhance development in rural areas around Jakarta with a focus on reducing urbanization. As a first step, both parties have designed a field training program for UPJ students and rural education activists. This program is intended to enhance understanding, knowledge, and relevant skills for socio-economic development in Kampung Ilmu, Cisarua Village, Tegalwaru District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java.
Kampung Ilmu is considered a Center for Learning and Empowerment with the principle of "All Teachers - All Students." Here, learning not only occurs in the classroom but is also considered as a source of knowledge and skills for the entire community. Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Agustinus Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.T., explained that through the Independent Thematic Community Service (KKN) program, UPJ students can share knowledge, skills, and direct experiences related to community life in Kampung Ilmu. They will be involved in practical learning and community empowerment, including in areas such as dairy goat farming, patin fish larvae cultivation, and breeding and livestock feed production centers. This Independent Thematic KKN program is one of UPJ's efforts towards implementing the Self-Reliant and Integrated Learning Campus (MBKM Mandiri).
On March 13, 2024, 12 UPJ students from the Accounting, Architecture, Visual Communication Design, Product Design, Communication, and Management study programs departed to begin the implementation of the Thematic KKN. The twelve students were welcomed by Dr. Drs. Imam Budidarmawan Prasodjo, M.A., Ph.D., Chairman of the Nurani Dunia Foundation. It is hoped that this activity will be a positive first step in rural area development and contribute to the progress of the nation.