Accelerate the Electric Vehicle Ecosystem: UPJ Facilitates FGD & R&D for the Production of KBLBB Battery Components in Indonesia

Bintaro, South Tangerang - 07/05/2024 - The future of sustainable mobility in Indonesia increasingly demands improvements in the development of battery-based electric vehicles (KBLBB). To support this initiative, UPJ facilitated this Focused Group Discussion (FGD) in the room to discuss and formulate strategies for promoting the production of KBLBB battery components in Indonesia.

This FGD is part of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Transition Readiness Enhancement Project (ENTREV), a collaboration between UNDP Indonesia and the Directorate General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Its aim is to facilitate the Indonesian government and related stakeholders in promoting the KBLBB ecosystem in Indonesia.

"The goal of the ENTREV project is to support the Indonesian Government and key stakeholders in policy, institutional, and technical readiness for the transition to electric mobility and to demonstrate innovative business models in the transportation sector that will lead to a reduction in GHG emissions. Over the 5-year implementation period of the project, ENTREV has three main objectives: 1. Contribute to a reduction in GHG emissions by 473.8 tCO2; 2. Drive investment mobilization in the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle (KBLBB) ecosystem of USD 13.4 million to USD 18.8 million; and 3. Benefit 321,612 beneficiaries, of which 87,851 are women," said Yovi Dzulhijjah Rahmawati, representing ENTREV.

The FGD was attended by participants from various stakeholders: Entrev, Spora Institute, Mimo, IBC, PT Mukti Mandiri Lestari, Mukti Mandiri Lestari, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Telkom University, Universitas Trisakti, and United, to discuss challenges and opportunities in producing high-quality KBLBB battery components. They also shared insights into efforts needed to enhance R&D capacity in the national battery industry.

One of the key points discussed was the importance of cross-sector collaboration and partnerships between government, industry, and educational institutions to develop technology and production capacity for KBLBB batteries. Thus, it is hoped that a conducive ecosystem for sustainable battery industry growth in Indonesia can be created.

Also present at this FGD was the Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Ir. Yudi Samyudia, Ph.D., who gave a speech and closed the discussion event, expressing gratitude to the participants and hoping that this discussion would be of great benefit to all parties, and he also emphasized the importance of collaboration. "The importance of collaboration and synergy among stakeholders to produce superior domestic products," he said.

This discussion also served as a forum to formulate concrete recommendations on policy steps that can be taken by the government and other relevant parties to support the development of KBLBB battery component production that meets Domestic Content Level (TKDN) standards.