Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Students Participate in Designing the Science and Technology Research and Innovation Indicators (IIRI) Book
Fadya Aura Diza from UPJ won 1st place in the female poetry reading competition at Peksimida Banten 2024. She will represent Banten Province at the national Peksiminas competition in Jakarta this September.
UPJ Discusses Internationalisation Strategies in Higher Education through the Seminar “Internationalisation of Higher Education: Challenges and Strategies”
Traditional Architecture Survives in the Modern Era: UPJ Architecture Students' Visit to Kampung Naga
Collaboration and Innovation at the "Arka Askara" Thesis Exhibition by Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) Launches the Bridge: Jaya Acceleration Program to Facilitate Graduates in Finding Employment
"Grow with UPJ", A Brief Getaway for Alumni and Students at Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve
The Future of Education in the IKN Era: Discussion with Professor Jianbang-Deng
DAKAURI UPJ Builds Ciampea Udik Village through UMKM Digitization and Madrasa Revitalization
UPJ and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine, signed an online MoU for strategic cooperation in education, research, and community service. This MoU is includes academic and student exchanges, as well as joint research projects.
UPJ Collaborates with BNN and PMI to Commemorate International Anti-Narcotics Day 2024, Featuring Endah n Rhesa as Guest Stars
On June 27, 2024, a delegation from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) visited Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ) to gain a deeper understanding of the business concept of UPJ's Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M).