Student Activities

Student Life at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya

Welcome to Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ), where campus life goes beyond just attending classes and includes experiences that shape your character and skills. At UPJ, we believe that active and diverse engagement in campus life is essential for shaping successful and competitive individuals. Let's explore the various aspects of our dynamic and vibrant campus life!


Engaging Learning and Living Laboratory

Universitas Pembangunan Jaya believes that the learning process is not solely focused on traditional face-to-face meetings in the classroom. As part of the Jaya group of businesses, which spans various fields including construction, property development, manufacturing, design and management consulting, mechanical electrical, as well as tourism, trade, finance, education, and sports, UPJ provides a "living laboratory" for students. This environment allows students to apply the theories they learn on campus to real-world practice.