Jaya Softskill Development Program

Universitas Pembangunan Jaya adopts the Jaya Values, such as Integrity, Fairness, Commitment, Achievement Drive, and Intrapreneurship, in its efforts to create an educational environment conducive to the development of students' character and competencies, shaping individuals ready to make positive contributions to society. Therefore, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya established a program for developing students' soft skills, known as the Jaya Softskill Development Program (JSDP). JSDP is a series of programs at UPJ that provides students with opportunities to enhance their skills in both academic and non-academic areas, with achievements and skills being recognized and rewarded through certain points. JSDP incorporates 5 Dimensions of intrapersonal or soft skills applied at UPJ, namely: Communication, Leadership, Ethics, Achievements, and Resilience

The activities of the Jaya Softskill Development Program (JSDP) encompass various initiatives, such as Scientific and Reasoning Activities, Interests and Talents, Community Service, Organizational and Self-Development, MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) Programs, Belmawa and PKM (Student Creativity Program), and Acceleration Activities.

Pemetaan Soft Skill

Each dimension of the JSDP (Jaya Soft Skills Development Program) consists of various activities and points that can be accumulated. In practice, all the activity points collected by each student across different activities must fulfill all five dimensions of these aspects.