Career Center

Since 2018, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya has established UPJ Career and Alumni Center. The establishment of Career and Alumni Center of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (Pusat Karir dan Alumni Universitas Pembangunan Jaya or shortened as PKA-UPJ) is a strategic movement to sharpen the function of Students and Alumni Bureau at Pembangunan Jaya in handling the prospective graduates and alumni of UPJ that are growing in numbers. PKA-UPJ aims to give service and career advice for students (prospective graduates) so that they are able to plan and decide their career well in order to really contribute to the country as productive citizens of the Republic of Indonesia. They are also expected to support the national program in solving the educated people who are unemployed in Indonesia. This unit also aims to expand networking with industrial sectors players so that there will be more companies become the chosen working place by UPJ graduates.

For UPJ as a new higher education institution, the alumni and career center has an important function to increase the number of graduates who are directly accepted to work at different companies. As the number of working alumni increases, public trust to the university will also increase. This unit will also become positive communication bridge for the university and the alumni as well as the companies that become the graduates’ user. The alumni and the companies are open to give suggestion and feedback to the university which in turn becomes foundation in constructing policies for the strategic university quality planning and developing programs.

UPJ Career and Research center is also one of the departments which successfully received grant/aid to develop career center service 2018 (Bantuan/hibah Pengembangan Layanan Pusat Karir-PBLPK 2018) from the ministry of higher education and research and technology.

This career center development grant from the ministry of research and technology is expected to speed up the realization of the main function of the career center. The center, with the grant, is expected to hold advising and training program to prepare graduates entering the working world. It is also expected to hold jobs fair which will open access for the graduates to find companies which are suitable with their capacity, capability, and competence so that they can really contribute and perform optimally. For the companies, the UPJ career and alumni center gives them access to look for qualified human resources that fit with their needs. The grant is expected to become an accelerator to achieve the main ideal function of career and alumni center unit at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya which is in line with the university goal and dream: to nurture Manusia Jaya as lifelong learners who are dignified, open minded, highly able to compete, caring to the environment and able to become well-being innitiatives.


Some of the activities held by the Career and Alumni Center of UPJ are as follows:

  • Graduates Career Preparation through seminar/training
  • Career Advice Session for new students
  • Career Expo
  • Tracer Study.
  • Sharing Session with the alumni, etc